Time Travel IS Possible And Has ALREADY Happened, Say Esteemed Physicists (2)

Basically the world we live in has dimensions, not physically proved however scientifically evidenced that our world contain dimension, by which we are separate from the key layers which are on other dimension of the world, let’s take a fictional example to make you understand, like within the film Harry potter, they move towards wall however they don’t collapses with it however they cross via it, that means at the very time of collapsing they modify their dimension making them potential to walk inside the terrain and go to another dimension.
Gell-Mann, Murray and James B. Hartle. 1989. Quantum mechanics within the mild of quantum cosmology. In Proceedings of the third International Symposium on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Tokyo, Japan. 321-43. Antonsen Frank, and Bormann, Karsten. Problems in Time-Machine Construction on account of Wormhole Evolution. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 34, No. 10, 1995. In the meantime, nevertheless, …